Detroit, 2009
single channel video 13’00”, series of 11 c-prints, blueprints

video still
A map of an Arab Town is presented to urban planners who aren’t aware that it was built as a military training area. They analyze the influence of the city’s structure on its imaginary inhabitants. The title of the video is borrowed from this training area in the country’s southern region. “Detroit” is a 1:1 simulation of a Palestinian city. The simulation generates an alternative reality that conceals the true reality. The training city “Detroit” was intended to prepare soldiers for combat in an urban area. It resembles a Muslim quarter, thus meeting the users’ needs in a simulation that would furnish them with a fantasy of an Arab city. The essence of this city is replaced by its fictive image. “Detroit” is devoid of flowering gardens; the city’s residents are mere extras, and the houses contain no books or any other sign of life.


Stills from video & performance



